2023 Annual Meeting - Register now!
Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 8.30am to 6pm
We are pleased to welcome you to the 2023 MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th September in the Investcorp Auditorium at St. Antony's College.
We will hold our 2023 Annual Meeting at St Antony's College on Tuesday 26th September. Centre members, industry partners, and a keynote speaker will present cutting edge research in pre-clinical and clinical research focused on improving the lives of patients with neuromuscular disease. Students and postdocs are encouraged to present a poster, and the day will include ample time for networking with colleagues. This is a FREE event for University members and invited industry partners.
The event will start with registration and breakfast at 08:30. The day’s talks will begin at 09:00 and include speakers from the Centre as well as industry partners, as we strive together to tackle the big challenges in neuromuscular disease research and in the development of transformative medicines. Attendees will also have the opportunity to catch up with colleagues as well as peruse and vote on posters during a dedicated poster and drinks reception. A £500 travel award will be given to the best DPhil and postdoctoral posters. Lunch will be provided.
We are pleased to announce that our Keynote Speaker will be Prof Francesco Saverio Tedesco, Professor of Neuromuscular Biology and Regenerative Medicine and Group Leader at The Francis Crick Institute. Prof Tedesco is a clinician scientist with a long-standing interest in muscle regeneration and paediatric neuromuscular diseases. At the Annual Meeting, he will update us on his most recent work using human stem cells to study neuromuscular disease.
Registration closed on 31st August 2023
Click here to download the full programme for the meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at chelsea.larabee@idrm.ox.ac.uk.